Crop Steering and Environmental Monitoring: How are they Related?

April 26, 2022

Crop steering, an agricultural technique developed and refined for many crops, has entered the cannabis cultivation industry in a big way. For some..

The Cultivator's Guide to Controlling Energy Costs

April 8, 2022

Electricity consumption is a fact of life for indoor cannabis cultivators, but a strategic set-up can reduce the negative impact energy consumption..

5 Tips for Creating More Effective Master Recipes for Cannabis Cultivars

March 31, 2022

For cannabis cultivators, identifying, recording, and optimizing a process for each cultivar they grow is essential to success. The creation of these..

How to Achieve Zone Control in Cannabis Cultivation

March 11, 2022

Cannabis is not a monolith. With hundreds of cultivars and new ones being bred all the time, each one has its own needs in the grow room. From the..

Transitioning from HPS to LED Lighting for Your Grow

February 2, 2022

High-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting was long considered the industry standard when it came to lighting indoor and greenhouse controlled environment..

How Environmental Monitoring and Zone Controls Can Optimize Cannabis Cultivation

January 13, 2022

Tracking the many environmental factors that influence a cannabis harvest can be a full-time job in itself, but for cultivators, there are no..

The Importance of GMPs in Cannabis Cultivation

December 15, 2021

Good manufacturing processes, known as GMPs, and good agricultural practices, known as GACPs, are strict sets of guidelines to which any manufacturer..

You’ve Got Your Marijuana Growing License; Now What?

November 2, 2021

The path to becoming a licensed marijuana grow facility is a long one, replete with hurdle after hurdle of bureaucratic red tape. But believe it when..

Debunking the Power Myth About LED Grow Lights

October 6, 2021

LED grow lights have become increasingly popular in the indoor horticulture industry in recent years. However, with that popularity, a lack of..

TOTALgrow Solution: Lighting the Way to Profitability and Sustainability

September 2, 2021

TSRgrow TOTALgrow Solution™ is an intelligent growth management platform engineered to maximize productivity and reduce costs in the indoor, vertical..

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