Posts about

led grow light technology (2)

Are You Still Using LED Grow Lights with Ballasts?

June 23, 2021

In recent years, it's becoming increasingly clear that more and more cannabis cultivators are switching to LED grow lights. Considered to be far more..

PPF vs PPFD: Differences and What You Need to Know

May 28, 2021

If you've been researching horticultural grow lighting for any amount of time, you've likely come across measurements for PPF and PPFD. If you're..

Lighting as a Platform (LaaP): Helping Those Who Grow Green to Go Green

April 22, 2021

As we look forward to celebrating Earth Day this coming April, it's a good opportunity for all of us to reflect on our own decisions and the impacts..

LED Grow Lights vs. HPS Grow Lights - It's Time to Switch

March 16, 2021

Light-emitting diodes (or “LEDs”) are the future in modern, environmentally-efficient, and productive horticulture operations. LEDs offer several..

Lighting as a Platform - a New Approach to Horticulture

February 5, 2021

TSRgrow Lighting as a Platform™ combines Remote Power Server Technology, high performance TSRgrow LED lighting, control and system software..

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